Standardization is important in PCA since the latter is a variance maximizing exercise. It projects your original data onto directions which maximize the variance. If your features have different scales, then this projection may get screwed!
# Main imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
% matplotlib inline
# Load data
import os
url = ""
in_file = os . path . basename ( url )
df = pd . read_csv ( in_file if os . path . exists ( in_file ) else url )
del df [ "Unnamed: 0" ]
# Sklearn imports
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# Fit PCA pipeline with and without scaling / standardization
n_components = 4
pipelines = {}
for with_scaling in [ True , False ]:
name = "with%s scaling" % ( "" if with_scaling else "out" )
steps = []
if with_scaling :
name = "with scaling"
steps . append (( "scaler" , StandardScaler ()))
else :
name = "without scaling"
steps . append (( "pca" , PCA ( n_components = n_components )))
pipeline = Pipeline ( steps ). fit ( df )
pipelines [ name ] = pipeline
# Plot the results
def plot_pipelines ( pipelines ):
_ , axes = plt . subplots ( len ( pipelines ), 2 )
for i , ( row , ( name , pipeline )) in enumerate ( zip ( axes . T , pipelines . items ())):
pca = pipeline . steps [ - 1 ][ 1 ]
ax2 , ax1 = row
ax2 . set_title ( name )
ax1 . matshow ( pca . get_covariance (), cmap = "viridis" )
ax1 . axis ( "off" )
ax1 . set_aspect ( 'auto' )
ax2 . bar ( range ( n_components ), pca . explained_variance_ )
ax2 . set_xticks (. 5 + np . arange ( n_components ))
ax2 . set_xticklabels ([ "PC%i" % ( c + 1 )
for c in range ( n_components )])
if i == 0 :
ax2 . set_ylabel ( "explained variance" )
plt . tight_layout ()
plot_pipelines ( pipelines )