$z$: Hidden / latent variable (these are the ‘causes’ of the datavectors).
$G$: Generative model, with density
$z \sim p_G(.|x)$,
parametrized by a tensor of weights $W^G$ (we’ll use a neural network)
$R$: Recognition model, with density
$z \sim p_R(.|x)$,
parametrized by a tensor of weights $W^R$ (we’ill use a NN).
$D_{KL}(q||p)$ is the Kullback-Leibler divergence between probability densities $p$ and $q$,
defined by
D_{KL}(q||p) := \sum_{z}q(z)\log(q(z)/p(z))
$F_G(x)$: Helmhost free-energy f a fictive thermodynamic system with macrostate energy levels $(E_G(z,x))_z$ with $E_G(z,x) := -\log(p_G(z,x))$, and partition function $p_G(x)$.
$F^R_G(x)$ is the variational Helmholtz free-energy from $G$ to $R$, defined by
F_G^R(x) := \langle -\log(p_G(., x)) \rangle_{P_R(.|x)} - \mathcal H(P_R(.|x)),
\mathcal H(p_R(.|x)) := -\sum_{z}p_R(z|x))\log(p_R(z|x)),
the entropy of
Problem: How do we sample from the recognition density
in such a way that the sampling process is differentiable w.r.t the weights of the recognition
$ W^R$
$\epsilon \sim p_{\text{noise}}$
(noise distribution, independent of
$z = g(W^{R}, x, \epsilon)$,
is an appropriate class
$\mathcal C^1$
$ \implies $
a sample
$z \sim p_R(.|x)$,
from the correct
The code
We’ll need the following python libraries to get things running:
Numpy / Scipy (install everything via anaconda)
Theano or Tensforflow (as backend for Keras)
A bit of setup
Now, let’s load the dataset
… and split data into train / validation folds
Visualize some examples from the dataset
Build forward model (encoding)
Sample from latent space
Build backward model (decoding)
Build the autoencder
Train the autoencoder (or reload a previously trained one)
Separate encoder from input to latent space
Generator from latent to input space
Display a 2D manifold of the faces. In this example we found that the each dimension of the
hidden variable z was encoding for socially meaningful things like humour / expression & pose